Let’s start with this situation you’re in. Think about it, and notice the feelings this situation is bringing up for you. Now:
What do you feel?
Write down your answer like this: I feel _____
A feeling is any physical or emotional state of being.
These are examples: I feel disrespected, I feel unloved, I feel hungry
These are not examples: I feel like my boss doesn’t respect me, I feel unloved in my relationship, I feel like eating a pie
Having trouble?
1) Keep writing your thoughts on the situation down until you get to the feeling beneath all of the thoughts.
2) It's totally fine if the feeling doesn't come through as a word. Maybe it's an image in your mind, or a sound, a sensation, gibberish, “@#!!@#!@#”, as long as you understand what it is that you feel.
Found the feeling? Great!