So you’d like to feel differently.
That’s completely understandable. Experiencing difficult or painful feelings can be, well, difficult and painful. We’ll get through this, together, and it starts with this question. Look at the feeling you just wrote down, now:
What is the opposite of that feeling?
Write it down like this: I need to feel _____
These are examples: I need to feel respected, I need to feel loved, I need to feel nourished/full
These are not examples: I need to feel respected by my boss, I need to feel like my partner loves me, I need to feel the sweet zest of lemon meringue pie on my tongue
It’s totally fine if the opposite feeling doesn’t come through as a word. Maybe it’s an image, a sound, a sensation, or gibberish. For example, if you feel “@#!!@#!@#,” maybe the opposite is “,,,,,,,,,”. It does not matter the format, as long as you understand the feeling.
Found the opposite? Great!